Originally Posted By Supercuda
Originally Posted By 70duster340
Skeptic, I believe you need to chill out. I missed that particular photo, so sue me. I'm using a cell phone for this currently, so things are pretty small. If you can't be cordial, don't bother answering any of my posts.

Contrary to what you may have been told, there are stupid questions.

You asked one.

Because it may be someone's opinion that the question is "stupid", it doesn't warrant such a response, from either of you. Just because the answer may have been missed or obvious gives nobody reason to belittle another member.

This site used to be about helping other Mopar owners with information, parts, etc. I've been a member here for over 30 years now. I have been in the position to both receive and offer information and support whenever I thought I could. At no time did I do so in such a manner as some have here on this post. I sincerely hope that this won't be the norm moving forward.