Originally Posted By CMcAllister
Originally Posted By crackedback
Don't need a single bolt or chain to get the pump out.

Stand it on the bellhousing, tap tailshaft. Usually falls right out.

Watch the how to rebuild a 727 video, it's in that too.

That might work, if the tailhousing was off of it, but everything in front of the output shaft would come along with it. And hit the floor if someone wasn't able to catch it. Sounds a little "rural" to me.

Or maybe a couple of longer bolts in three spots in your pump to catch it... Maybe put some towels down for when it falls out. It will "fall" on the floor the distance from the TC input the edge of bell. Put a wood block under it too. So many solutions.

All it has to do is drop about 1/2". Not dropping it off the empire state building.

Done at least 100 just letting them drop out while standing on the bell, never broke anything yet!

Yeah, I LOVE hillbilly engineering. Saves me money all the time when working on things. All good, even Rural works a lot of times and takes less time. Efficient!