The electric vs ICE debate will rage on for years to come . . . after all, how do you generate electricity that you need to charge those batteries ??? How much $$$$ are you willing to pay per kwH to switch over to solar, or wind ???? . . .

I have and DO get in my car and drive for 12 hours to get through the mountains and to the west coast of Canada . . . one tank of fuel in my Journey can take me 850km (528miles) . . . yes, that is tough on the butt, however, I don't see electric vehicle that will do that today ! Not to mention it only takes about 8-10min to fill the tank and be ready for another 850km !!! . . . SLOW transition that does not take HUGE investment from government subsidies. . . . just saying !!! . . . battery technology is not there yet. Not to mention, what happens when it is MINUS 30 C up here in winter . . . lose lots of range just to the cold (gotta run that electric heater and blower motor off something . . . ) . . .

With all that said, YAY for lower gas prices for now !!! . . .

Sorry, rant off . . .