I have no problems with the 1/4 or folks that prefer it. What some people don't understand for a lot of us if it weren't for 1/8 mile racing there would be no racing. The 1/4 is not an option unless we make long drives and no more serious than I am about it I won't do it. There are tracks in my area that are 35-40 years old and have always been 1/8 mile, never a 1/4.

As far as the engines go the majority of race cars around here are built for the 1/8 so they are geared to be near or at their max rmp at the stripe. Most of these guys use the same quality parts that anyone else that races uses in their cars, so it's not like they are junk. Although some are, just like there is junk running the 1/4.

Get in where you fit in, if you don't fit, move along.