My engine is about 5 years since the build, and has about 12 lbs at idle, after being on the highway for a bit. The engine runs cool, 170-190, but after pulling off the highway, will drop down that low. All it needs is a few hundred rpm to be back in the 20+ range, and pressure climbs with RPM to 60-70+ lbs.

After a little city driving, the idle pressure climbs back up to around 20 or so, so it does seem to be an oil temp issue.

I run 20-50, but next time am going to try a straight weight. The bearings are all .005 or so on the loose side. I'd have to look up exactly what they are. I got all the internal components from Tim at FHO, and he said put it together, that's the clearances he wanted to see.

Anyway, it is a little disconcerting. I don't let it sit long at that pressure, if I'm at a light or something I'll rev it every 10-15-20 seconds or so to get the pressure up a bit.