This is nothing new from Sled City. I know Larry and have even raced with/against him and he is a nice guy. However when it comes to his business it's another story. I will never buy from him again.

Story is a few years ago I paid him for a hood for my 64 Dodge. He said he would have it done in 3/4 weeks. After several attempts to get in touch with him and leaving messages for over 3 months I just about gave up. Low and behold I finally run into him at a race and ask him about the hood. He says I sure do have it done and it's at home. I say great I will follow you home to get it even though it's out of my way going home from the rack. (He knew I would be at this race and could have brought it if he listened to my message) Anyway I get his address just in case he leaves before me and guess what he does!! So I go to his house and get there around 8pm from the track and he's still not home. I waited there and right around midnight he shows up???? Said he stopped to get something to eat??? Got the hood and went home - hear the same issues from many people.