Originally Posted By DAYCLONA
Originally Posted By John_Kunkel
Originally Posted By Jim_Lusk
Ground the "G" terminal on the relay and don't look back.

iagree The clutch switch is a product of out nanny guv'ment; if you don't check your shifter position before starting, you have no business in a car.

Agreed!... This is how I've done ALL my manual transmission swaps or eliminated factory interlocks, factory 4spd or 5/6 speed... no need for any type of electrical lock out device, you should know the condition/position/operation of your equipment before you turn the key...


That's the same thing I said.... just before I hit the key in the 56 Cadillac and drove it into the side of the building. Who would have thought anyone would have swapped a 1951 stick tranny, column shift and all, into a 56 Cadillac. Certainly not me. Luckily no harm was done to the car cause the bumper bullets just put two hickeys on the side of the building. Everyone that would have cared is long gone now, so I'm free to share my embarrassment. On the other side, I have disabled all those silly clutch switches on every stick shift car or truck I have ever owned. Hope no future buyers got into trouble because of it.

July 19th should be "Drive Like Rockford Day". R.I.P. Jimmie.