HELP! THIS MAKES NO SENSE AT ALL! My secondary bowl is still overflowing through the top adjustment screw (and out the sight hole if I loosen it to check).
I assumed I fixed my overflow problem when I found the debris (see above post) between the needle and the seat.
But today I took it for a ride and its STILL overflowing. So first I made sure the o-ring was ok, THEN I REPLACED THE ENTIRE SECONDARY BOWL WITH ANOTHER I had laying around (of course I did the dry adjustment on that before installing it), AND ITS STILL OVERFLOWING. So I'm assuming there's there's 1) something wrong with my secondary block and gasket, 2) or too much pressure coming through the balance tube from the primary side.? Is there a pressure regulator anywhere inside a 80458 holley carb? Or is my nearly brand new fuel pump suddenly putting out too much pressure? What else could it be?