My Holley 40458 is giving trouble. I couldn't adjust the secondary float level (counterclockwise to raise level) to be high enough to be just below the sight hole. Finally I got tired of trying to adjust it and took the back bowl off. The float was adjusted all the way against the bottom! So I turned it upside down, adjusted it so the float was level with the bottom, put it back together, and took it for a ride. Now the level is way too high. So I loosened the screw and turned the nut clockwise, again and again and again, and still the level is too high. What is going on? I could be wrong, but the nut never feels like it's engaging the needle to turn it. Why didn't my dry adjustment work? Did I bend the float tang?

Last edited by Moparmaniacc; 03/18/18 08:09 PM.