Originally Posted By madscientist

Most of the PM guys don't want to run a 24 event season. They are happy running part time. Make it a full series and many of them won't make all the races.

IMO, they need to scrap the EFI, or at least let carbs run with them, because that was a giant flop. Get rid of the rev limiter, because it didn't bring in a single new competitor. Hood scoop or no hood scoop.

Run PM at half the races and PS at the other half and have 3 races a year where they both compete. Say...the Winternationals, Indy and the Finals. That would be 15 races a year for each class.

More logic right there in one internet post than NHRA has shown in years.

LemonWedge - Street heavy / Strip ready - 11.07 @ 120