If I didn't have an opportunity to vote for you, or not, you shouldn't be able to make up rules and regulations that have such far reaching effects on people's lives. Career hacks and bureaucrats have to continually make up new crap to justify their existence and develop new revenue streams. It's never enough. There's always one more crisis to deal with.

The lazy bums we did get to vote for have given these various agencies the authority to do whatever they want with no accountability. Once they've washed their hands of it, they think people can't get mad at them for creating this crap.

I'm old enough to remember when you could just hook up your rig and go racing without living in fear of someone with Wyatt Earp Syndrome jerking you up and writing you up $1000s in fines for crap they don't even know about half the time.

Have I missed anything?

If the results don't match the theory, change the theory.