Originally Posted By Supercuda
Originally Posted By SNK-EYZ
Originally Posted By ruderunner
Imho a damaged Vin is better than none or incorrect. Run it.

I think that most everyone would agree with that, including your states DMV/Licensing and inspection departments.

Define better?

A damaged vin tag will net you a whole lot of bureaucratic hoops to jump thru, the same number of hoops as a lost VIN tag because the solution is still the same, a state issued VIN tag once the state decides you don't have a stolen vehicle.

I wonder if anyone noticed the OP has three posts, all in this thread.

Cops always look at the dash vin tag when they pull you over. Want to guess what the first cop that sees that damaged VIN is going to think?

The OP has yet to explain exactly what type of damage was done to the tag other than
Lol. More than a hole in it. The drill chuck mashed it. Prob have to drive around without one

That still doesn't really tell anyone much about the damage.
As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.
He could put tape over the sequential numbers to hide that part of the VIN on the tag.

Without seeing the tag no one can really say if the tag can be smoothed out or somehow fixed.
If the VIN stamping isn't damaged it may be salvageable.

Personally I think he should quit being a cheap azz and just pay the price to get a quality reproduction tag.
It shouldn't be an issue getting one made as long as he has the original tag that you can clearly read the VIN on it.

I noticed his post count, but does that really make a difference to answering his question?

Kayse can't keep up at all now. lol