Originally Posted By Supercuda

Cops always look at the dash vin tag when they pull you over. Want to guess what the first cop that sees that damaged VIN is going to think?

In 40+ years of driving, I've only had 1 cop look at my VIN tag, and I've been pulled over more times than one can imagine...

The ONE time a cop looked at the VIN was because I was driving a freshly painted vehicle home that had no glass, trim, bumpers, grill, lights, etc, etc....funny part of the event, 2 State Troopers, the "smart" one says to the other Statey, "and he dosen't have an inspection sticker either", "NO SH!T, could it be because there's no windshield in the car!", the other responded...no tickets, just a warning after I had to explain the vehicles "condition"