




From what I can tell the electrical connections are in a different spot compared to the original. Anyone have a pic of 1 mounted in car on a SB?

From what I can tell, it looks like the cable would need to go in front of the exhaust instead of behind?

Pull the black plastic/copper extension off.

There are only a couple brands of headers that this type of starter will not work with.

Unfortunately I have one of those brands.

Someone out there must have a pic of an installed mini-starter. I'm begging you guys, someone go out to your car and snap pic.


I don't have headers, I have HP manifolds.
I also have the JY swap from a 90-something ram.

I could get a pic if that's what your looking for?

Here is mine with HP manifolds...

Picture from above.

Not a lot of room between the hot lug and the block so install with the battery disconnected. It's not a big deal one installed though.

Allen Here's a novel idea, let's not throw a bunch of parts at the car hoping it will fix the problem and instead spend a little time diagnosing it first. Life was a little easier when I was just a wrench.