Originally Posted By 6PKRTSE
No need for a CCW crank in a street or drag race piece. It is overkill but couldn't hurt anything other than the wallet. In a endurance type racing as mentioned above NASCAR, F1, Off Shore Boat Racing, Truck & Tracvtor Pulling etc where engines sustain long durations of higher RPM is would be beneficial.

Due to actual experience, I disagree. That cap walk in my Megablock DID go away when I put the ccw crank in. I cracked a non ccw crank at 100 runs, so the least it cost me to fix that was the crank and balancing. Another reason to run a ccw crank would be to add life to a stock block motor pushing the limits. It will definitely even out the stresses from balance, not force them through the block to other bearings adjacent; adding a lot of extra stress along the way. Save the cost of replacing a cracked and broken block one time and that ccw crank will look cheap.

Last edited by gregsdart; 10/18/17 09:47 PM.

8.582, 160.18 mph best, 2905 lbs 549, indy 572-13, alky