Sorry to hear you are giving it up. I know my health gives me alot of problems as I have alot of joint problems so bad I live on pain meds and I am only 61. But I still love this hobby and wont sell my 63. I dont get to race much at all anymore but I do love racing it. But between my health and money (living on disability) I cant afford to race much or I dont feel up to it some days. I plan to keep driving it as much as I can and go to the local cruises most weekends. And I will race it every now and then when I can swing it. I just love this hobby to much to give it up myself but I understand you are doing what you feel is best for you. I know there is no way I could pull my 493 and put a stock 383 in it and drive it. After having the 493's power under the hood there is no way I want to put a less powerful eng in my 63. Well good luck to you and your wife as I hope all works out well for you guys. I know that has to be tuff selling that awesome 56 you have. Ron

Last edited by 383man; 07/28/17 12:57 AM.