Originally Posted By L.R Helbling
Originally Posted By Butterscotch71
Originally Posted By ScottSmith_Harms
What engine? Do you have the broadcast sheet?

Per the OP in another post, broadcast sheets are only for statistical purposes and not at all related to what was actually installed on the vehicle eyes
Statistacal yes but I never said it was unrated to equipment installed on vehicle. Now your putting words in my mouth.

from the other thread...
"Can't help you, chum if you don't believe what I'm telling you. Holley R4668 carbs were put on Roadrunners with heated air intakes like I mentioned in a previous post. Mine never came with that option so I got the Carter AVS. Typical numbers found on broadcast sheets are fine for statistical purposes but they do not describe the rules for putting which carb on which car. FSM does."

addict:to devote or surrender (oneself) to something habitually or obsessively ....hmmmm