Originally Posted By fastmark
Originally Posted By 70RT Charger
Originally Posted By fastmark
I've had three done. One by Jules. One by concourse creation( Jerry Smitch) I think that his name. The last I had Bill Merholz do. I think it is the most correct. It is not shinny like the rest. Most polish the barrel on the motor to get it real smooth so the cad plating looks shinny. That takes the detail from the barrel and almost polishes away the numbers. Bill communicates very well and will send you pictures of your motor. He is the most expensive but it is the most correct. I can post some picture later if you want.
I didn't know dings on the wiper housing was correct. I talked to Bill and was asking him about restoring mine but he insisted I take a date coded wiper motor already done that had a ding in it. Why would I trade my dentless wiper motor in for one that has a dent lol?Why would you even restore one like that and try to pass it on to somebody??? Needless to say Stephan did mine and it was flawless and I can't think of anyone else who I would send one to. He also did my Headlight motor, it was also sweet!

I understand completely. He sent me a picture of one that had a ding on it and it was very dull. He wanted to sell it to me and take mine in trade. I passed as well. I sent mine in and he plated it with a slight brightness to it. It did not remove the detail on the part numbers. After I got mine back, I compaired the two. On his you can clearly see the deep stamping of the part numbers and date codes. The other two I have are smooth, shinny and you can barely see the part number. All of my other original core motors are stamped very deep. All I'm saying is that shinny-like-a-diamond-in-goats-butt is not an OEM finish.
You can go to Stephans very last page and I post a picture of it you'll have to download it and you can clearly see the deep stamping in mine also. I can't speak for the others but Stephan did an excellent job. Bill may do good work but the fact he tried to sell me that dented one turned me off from him. Now if he wanted to knock off say a hundred bucks and sell it for a driver that would be just fine.