Originally Posted By crlush
Originally Posted By Supercuda
Originally Posted By crlush
Aluminum fuel line works good as long as it clamped with a good rubber lined clamp and is not rubbing on anything. I used it once and where it passed thru the frame it touched and probably vibration and hitting bumps it rubbed thru and leaked. After that i changed to braided line.

This is true of any fuel line, just aluminum will probably rub thru quicker than steel or braided line.
I couldn't believe how fast it rubbed thru, just lucky it rubbed thru in a spot where there was no high heat or over the exhaust.


IMO a aluminum fuel(vent/return) line on a street driven car is not good. Sure it works but it brings the quality of your car down. Because no matter how good you mount it or what kind of fittings are used it is not as good as steel. And neither is braided line. And only flare fittings should be used with aluminum line, no compression fittings.

Your car is a E body, so it is easy to get pre bent lines. If your car was a unique piece then I could see the want for aluminum even though steel lines are easy to bend. Order up the line from Fine Lines or the like and have steel or even stainless steel lines and have a quality built car under ya.