Originally Posted By L.R Helbling

I wanted to drill down to what is exactly the shelf life of multi grade oil. The above URL explains a lot of it and it really is nice to know for some of us who rush out to buy oil only to come home and then keep it on a shelf for 4 years. The OP did say he was going to keep it from Spring to Fall which is like 6 months. Hey no worries. How the conversation turned to permeation and absorption still boggles the mind. But yeah, it has a shelf life.

That website is so wrong on the first 2 items, kerosene will last a heck of a lot longer than 2-5 years even sitting in a vented tank with water at the bottom.

And motor oil will last way more than 5 years, way longer. More like 30 years at least because I have been using NOS motor oil since 1990, 5 different brands of oil. Not just one kind. I have used old oil in heavy duty diesel engines and then all the way to the smallest of generators.

I don't have to read it on the web to know because I have been doing it.