I stopped by my local Ryan's today and talked to a lady at the counter. Told her who I was and what I wanted. Showed her my invoice and she says the tech area was blank. I said I know. Explained that he was at my place almost 10 years ago to do my old car and that he restored cars on the side and I wanted to get him to do my buddies old car.

Then she seemed to know who I was talking about when I said that. She goes "was he a older guy?" I think to myself not really when he was there that day? But think to myself, well 10 years went by. nervous haha He was I'd guess mid to late 40s when he did mine and that would put him late 50s today. The women at the counter was in her 20s to early 30s with a baby bump. So that would make "Mike" an older guy now...and me too. eek Yup it sucks. laugh2

She said it has to be Mike Hall and said it is he who does there old car work. Then she says he does work on the side too and I will give you his number. I was surprised because I didn't know how much his bosses would like him working on the side doing glass work? She was the only one there at the time. His phone number was on a large bright green or orange post it note on the small wall above the counter off to the side when she went looking for his number.

So lastly I am not positive this is the same dude but his name does kind of ring a bell. I will PM you his number. What makes me wonder is I thought the guy who came to my home said he was from west of here in eastern Indiana like west harrison or something? The phone number she gave me was today was area code 614. People do move though and a phone number is just that. I'd trust these guys as they have done quite a bit of for me. FWIW