Originally Posted By fourgearsavoy
When I first started racing I never could understand the courtesy staging deal shruggy Do your burnout,get set,then you have to wait for the other guy to get his poop in a group whistling I run an alternator and a good cooling system so I can wait an hour for the other guy to think about what he's going to do to beat me. When I was asked by the starter to back out of the beams and wait for the other guy I quit turning both bulbs on flame
I don't understand what takes so long for some guys to stage maybe someone can enlighten me shruggy

Gus beer

Well, I can tell you that if you were double bulbing guys, THAT is probably the reason you found yourself waiting. It only stands to reason that if you rush an opponent, he's likely gonna go out of his way to make you wait. I can only speak for myself, but I always assume that if someone lights both bulbs one after the other before the opponent pre-stages, they either don't understand what it is they're doing, or they do understand and are knowingly giving a middle finger to the guy in the other lane.

LemonWedge - Street heavy / Strip ready - 11.07 @ 120