Originally Posted By madscientist
Should go without saying, but make sure you check your geometry.

Go to b3racingengines.com and read all the tech pages.

The chances your geometry will be correct is near zero.

"Chances your geometry will be correct is near zero." BINGO! That has been my experience with most every engine I've built.

Thanks for the resource - can never know too much, and I always regard what I read on a Mopar specialist's site with more respect. Real-world experience always trumps academics or Brand-X generic info. It sounds like he subscribes to Jim Miller's "Mid-Lift" theory for rocker geometry. I read Miller's stuff a few years ago and he makes a compelling argument for the "1/2 lift" geometry. Sometimes it's tricky to get that with assorted parts and a shaft system, but it's what I try for.

If it ain't broke ... you're not pushing it hard enough.