My first great day at the track! 1973 Minnesota KDWB drag festival, bracket 2. Got there very early, and it was a zoo. I told the tech guy pass my car, and I am out of your hair. He was looking really frustrated, and did just that! I had a 69 Charger RT 440 auto, running mid twelves. I got two time trials before anybody else was in line, and some guys never got a time trial. Bracket two, very large field, seven rounds at least. My father in law said before I went "you will never win anything". I brought home first place money in bracket 2, and he didn't have much to say.
Second most memorable event;
Eddyville Iowa, 2000. A local hot shoe was looking for a duck, and picked me. I knew this guy, and he thought I would be easy pickings. That peed me off, so I rolled another .005 out of the box and staged. My .020 light to his .019, he went .005 under, I went .001 under for the win. The best part of that race was that win for me broke a twenty five round win streak for him. A lesson I never forgot; NEVER offend an opponent, it sharpens them up!

8..603 156 mph best, 2905 lbs 549, indy 572-13, alky