I repeat: Complaining about 20 grams in an engine that came stock with piston/pin assemblies that were over 1000 grams is hilarious.

Yes I know the generally accepted balancing formula for V8s. Take 40 grams off the piston/pin and the 20 grams goes away, IF the extra weight is concentrated at the big end. If it's the result of a slightly heavier than stock rod beam then it'll be less than 20 grams. Lightening the rod journal would be my fix, like Chrysler did on the 340.

Suggesting someone will need Mallory because of an extra 20 grams in connecting rod weight is pure and simple "putting up a straw man to knock it down". That doesn't fly at the debate club and not here, either.


As for the Chinese lying about metal composition, if they are indeed trying to do that, it's why we aren't buying directly from them. The middlemen, i.e. the Eagles, Scats, 440Sources, RPMs, Hughes, etc are doing the due diligence. They have to keep tabs on the product or else go out of business. That shouldn't be too hard to understand.

Last edited by dogdays; 07/08/16 06:18 PM.