Originally Posted By Supercuda

Holy carp batman, at $480 a hub I am not sure you and I use the same definition of "reasonable on cost". Summit, Timken units.

Which leads me to think the whole kit and kaboodle will be too expensive to sell much of.

None of this stuff is cheap. ATS/Speedtech spindles with ZR1 hubs are going to be roughly $1300, while fabbed spindles and hubs are in the $2100 range. Considering this is one of the key components to modernize the suspension and elevate it to a true performance level, I don't feel like this is unaffordable. What I need to know is, do you? Lots of people have paid lots of money for the other two setups out there that are really nothing more than late 70's, early 80's tech. If this suits most peoples needs and driving styles, enough said. If however, your looking to be able to run your Mopar against the Speedtech, DSE, and all the other offerings for 1st and 2nd Gen Camaro's and everything else, then I think a need exist, however small! I am from the camp that thinks putting the lawn chair behind the car and parking it for several hours is not the best use or fun factor of these cars. I want to see them auto crossing or blasting through the twisty's! At the very least, not scare the bejesus out of you when you blast it down the highway and have to brake suddenly or change lanes!

Craig Scholl
CJD Automotive, LLC
Jacksonville, FL

"I own a Mopar. I already know it won't be in stock, won't ship tomorrow, and won't fit without modification"