i really didn't think i stated that it didn't matter. just "sometimes", for what ever reason, "somebody" decides that steel wheels are better to use than aluminum. take the post office for example. [please?] how many aluminum wheels you see on mail jeeps ? none here. fedX and UPS. all steel here at this hub and that includes the OTR rigs. no need to waste time and materials [paint and stripes on the outer rim edges] on alloy wheels, plus the savings on fuel. police and sheriff vehicles ? none around here, including the state police. lots of miles and fuel used, could use the extra money someplace else for sure. and as others have said, the time slips and "butt meters" show the same results with either in some instances. i'm not disputing or arguing for or against either. just observations. and to think i am accusing city bus drivers of running over everything and anybody is ludicrous. just not too many open man holes, tall curbs, street drains, curbs with street drains, etc. on the open roads. tires are certainly the "canary in the coal mine". and i can't run any more, plus i walk with a cane, so i'm not gonna put weights on and do a marathon. biggrin