A bigger, 220v welder will give you much more flexibility down the road. Stick with a name brand. I don't consider Eastwood a "name brand". I personally don't care for multi-purpose machines. The only downside to the larger welders is they often only accept the large spools of wire but a creative person can usually figure out how to mount a small spool.

Regardless of what you buy - ALWAYS keep your wire dry. The most frequent cause of mig malfunctions is rusty wire from just sitting in the machine - normal humidity will take its toll. If you don't think you'll use the welder for a while (a day in hot, humid weather!), take the spool off and seal it in a plastic bag.

The actual mig process is easy - I could teach you all of the most common techniques in about an hour. But its the practice that yields the solid, good looking welds - so find a bunch of scraps, read up a bunch, watch a ton of videos and go and practice.