What does KB say? I haven't seen a new KB block so I don't know if the lifter gallery is fed in the same way as a stock block. You might not have an issue if the lifter bores are already divorced from the gallery. I seem to recall that KB used a main gallery elsewhere in the block.

You might have better luck if you start a different thread and ask about bushed lifter bores in a KB block. Someone with recent KB experience can tell you what they know.

I do know that people bush the lifter bores in Indy blocks to correct the geometry but maybe KB has better machining processes than Indy??

440Jim had a KB block set up for pushrod oiling so maybe send him a PM. I think a couple other guys on here also have experience with that. Point is you are asking a very specialized question and your thread title isn't going to help you get the answer.

Last edited by AndyF; 01/27/16 07:06 PM.