since i sold my mustang a few weeks ago i've been obsessed about finding an old truck. man decent ones for decent prices are hard to find around here.

well i pulled the trigger.. so now i'm an official D100 owner . its a 65 d100 with a poly 318,727 and a 3:55 8 3/4 rear HEI distribtor, jeep cj gas tank between the frame rails but pretty original besides that. i drove it 187 miles home. truck was originally from mississippi and was used on a cat fish farm from what i understand. has a couple smaller patches in the floor but the cab mounts are spotless which i liked after seeing a few other trucks. it did well. pretty much outta steam at about 70mph . couldn't believe how nice it drove. straight as an arrow. i have a few things i want to do to it down the road but nothing major.. its gonna stay looking exactly like it does for the most part ( it has the look i was after). i think i want one of those big go to hell rear bumpers for it though. also going to paint the rims a different color. probably white.. it needs tires too. don't like the look of whats on it. too car looking.. need to find a more correct looking tire for it. also want to re do the seat. want it as stock looking as possible. i'm also planning on disc brakes upfront.
man it seemed to get quite a few looks on the turnpike. can't wait to get it out and about on a regular basis

i know nothing about these poly motors.. what kind of timing do these things like? any other tuning recommendations on these motors?

i also bought this cool lamp from the seller. he makes come cool stuff..


It's better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you're stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.