Originally Posted By SCATPACK 1
Originally Posted By Azzkikrcuda
I see they are offering this option for there 4.250 stroke cranks now. Anyone use one yet, or opinion on there strength/quality

440 source offered the lightened cranks about 10 or so years ago. Remember they blew them out at a really low price to get rid of them. Not sure if it was an issue with the cranks or just no demand. I wanted one at that time but they were sold out when I finally placed my order. But we ran their regular crank for many years with zero issues in a drag only motor.
Good luck with it.

That is correct. We offered these lightweight crankshafts from 2006-2008, but discontinued them due to low demand. We never had any problems with them. Over the last year or two, we noticed that we had an increase in people asking for them again, so we decided to bring them back.

Also, on the question about 3000 grams being taken off the crank, bobweight is being confused with total weight of the crankshaft. The 3000 grams is being removed from the total weight of the crankshaft (as if it was being weighed on a standard scale.) The bobweight, which is related to how the crankshaft is balanced, (essentially the "difference" between the crankpin side of the crank and the counterweight side, if you were to split the crank in "half") remains unchanged.