Originally Posted By madscientist
Originally Posted By MR_P_BODY
No I dont think the conv is too loose.. if its
really 5000 stall.. your shifting at 6400 so the
conv isnt bad... dont go with 2" headers.. the 1 7/8
is plenty.. any larger you would just hurt low end
Whats the LSA on that cam

104 is what he posted. I'm ASSuming that's the LSA and not ICL.

I assumed that was the installed.. from what little
I know Hughs cams tend to be on a wider LSA
Also.. if the SS springs are any good there is no
reason for the snubber... that had ONE purpose.. for
worn out springs.. if the chassis isnt working right
that will be a big issue.. being that your playing
1/8 mile that 1.65 60 isnt good enough.. for every
.1 in the 60' you can get a ET better by .15 in the 1/4
so do some math on the 1/8.. but if you have the true
550hp that it should have you should be quick in the 60'..
I have seen a lot of people just forget about the chassis
and with all sorts of power never pick up... when I first
started working on my car all I did was chassis work.. I
picked up just over a 1/2 second in the 1/4 mile.. never
even touched the engine ... I've worked on my buddies
ford PU which weighs 3900#.. he has about 550 hp and
has a 1.42-1.44 60'.. I built him a set of home made
Caltracs.. thats on a drag radial

Last edited by MR_P_BODY; 12/09/15 07:37 PM.