Originally Posted By Al_Alguire

As I said before the lack of spectators has more to do with pricing than any other factor period. How many responding have been to a National. event in the last few years? The prices are RIDICULOUS, they have priced themselves out of their target market. ALOT of the reason the small tire and grudge stuff gets butts in the seats is pretty simple. Promotion and low entry prices. The racing is awesome for sure and fun to watch, although I suspect many attend hoping to see the wrong things. Not close racing but cars hitting things. I hear it all the time at the heads up stuff we attend from the fans. Tickets to most all heads up events are dirt cheap compared to NHRA stuff. Kinda like places like Firebird in Boise or Norwalk in Ohio. Those places promote very well, have low entry prices and pack the stands for bracket races...

This is essentially what I am saying, except you did like how and some of what I said.

I'm assuming you have been around a while, so you know prices NEVER go down, EVER. Just the value of the federal reserve notes in your wallet gets less (which is a whole 'nother issue). So you have to give the spectators (and the TV audience you want) a product that has better content. So, killing PSM is one way to reduce costs and not hurt the show (motorcycle fanboys can now chime in and have their way with me). And use a less expensive class to fill it's place. If every pass was a good show, there would be no beeotching about prices. The BEST model to look at is NFL football. The game is (suppossed to be) about 3 hours long. It has plays that last 5-10 seconds, then you have about 25 seconds off and it starts again. Of course, you have TV time outs and crap like that, but the NFL fits broadcast TV to a "T" (see what I did there??)

You'll never get NHRA drag racing like NFL, but you can fix the content, and try to stop oil downs (rev limiters ain't it) and make it fit a TV package better But the dudes running the clown show known as NHRA are NOT drag racers. They are stuffed suits, filling their pockets off the back of a sham nonprofit deal. Until those twits are gone, you'll never fix it.

Just because you think it won't make it true. Horsepower is KING. To dispute this is stupid. C. Alston