Originally Posted By madscientist
Originally Posted By Spaceman Spiff
BOTH cars MUST leave for it to be a race.
If you leave and I don't move, it's NOT a race.
If you let me leave and don't move, it's not a race.

I'd get into other terms, like a car, the break, and the clear, but I'm sure you wouldn't understand.
And if they pulled that non paying crap around here, the noise makers come out.

No, I get it you fool.

Why are east coast people snotty and arrogant? And why do they cloak idle threats with innuendo? He's gonna get me with his noise maker. WTF? The fact you say that says you are all mouth.

See ya.

Perhaps it's because we can't talk about those things that make noise on here....
so you have to use innuendo.
why are people from the northeast so dense? (see how that works?)
And it's not an idle threat. You fail to pay around here, you WILL be shot.

526 cubes of angry wedge, pushbutton shifted, 9 passenger killer!