I have been "tuning" the transmission over the past 2 weekends. Once we spoke with The guy who can program the system and he helped us understand the software it is actually pretty easy, just takes 2 people, one driving and one making the adjustments on the laptop. Pretty awesome capability actually.
It is very complicated however, from the stand point of being a person who is comfortable and understands programming as well as the intricacies of how these transmissions physically work, then how the two relate to each other.
The bottom line is we have the thing working real nice now in normal driving mode, i.e. typical daily driving situations and freeway speeds and acceleration. WOT is a different animal however. If you mash the pedal the transmission seems to be "searching" for the correct gear and it is as though it cannot keep up with the reaction time of the engine performance. Anyway, Russell...the programmer... had us save a data file created when we mashed the pedal and he is looking at it. This will apparently be an adjustment relating to fluid pressures vs percent of throttle. As we ride now I use relatively low throttle, like 35-40% in acceleration situation and THAT has me hauling some azz!
If you are all jiggy about a 440/727 combo and that performance you will be blown away at this combo, and I don't even have it completely dialed in yet!!
I would love to post some pics but I am not wasting any more time f$%^&*g with this site's picture posting complication. The program on my car is simpler!

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