Originally Posted By Golden-Arm
Originally Posted By 62maxwgn
Originally Posted By Golden-Arm
i get 100 octane avgas from my local airport, for (current price) $4.45 per gallon. grab a tank of that, and see how you do. avgas is a hell of a lot cheaper than race gas is. up

Airport is 10 mi away,been running it since 1992 !! up

mine is 1/2 mile away, and even has "pay at the pump". been using it since 2000. biggrin

If the Avgas you guys are buying is dyed (because it's taxed at a much lower rate than street fuel) be careful.
The federal government (and possibly your state too) will levy fines that you wouldn't believe.

The diesel boys are well aware of this.
Say you have a diesel truck on the road and you are caught with red dyed diesel (accident or mechanic turns you in). Say this truck has 150,000 miles on it. Say it gets 20 mpg (the Gov/IRS will use published estimates) that means it's consumed 7,500 gallons of fuel.
Say the fed and state taxes added together are $0.50 per gallon. That's $3750 in tax evasion.

Now double that....(think repaying the Gov AND a penalty). Fine is $7,500.
And now you face criminal charges for easy to prove tax evasion.

Al Capone died in prison (syphllis) because of tax evasion--it was the easiest thing to nail him on.

Just sayin