He had captions on there with the conversion to mpg, so, that's what I was going off of.

I was let down when Dodge released the torque numbers on the 6.4 because they were short of the old V10. But, after seeing this video, I think they have a winner on their hands: 6.4 seemed to move that trailer pretty good. work

If Dodge really wants to put a nail in the coffin of the other Manufactures (and the diesel market too), they would put a small, quick-spooling turbo on a 6.4 and give us about 550 lb/ft at 1600-1800 rpm................ twocents

That would be the Machine to have: cheaper fuel, far cheaper maintanence, good fuel economy, power to burn, probably $5000.00 cheaper than a diesel, and good re-sale value. Seems to me a certain 650 lb/ft gasoline V8, 22 mpg version does exist in the Dodge line-up that is made to take extended punishment.

Mo' Farts

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