Originally Posted By dynotune440
9.8 to 13.7 is not that great of mileage, considering its taching out like it is, and looks relatively flat too.
Looks like it was anywhere from 18 liters per 100k to 24 liters per 100k... its a metric Speedo...

I would love to see real world stuff too...

My 2wd Cummins stick is paid for...

I'm not really sure how much more "real world" we can get you other than this Guy with a video camera for 8 minutes and 40 seconds, out on a real road, driving a real truck, pulling an actual trailer, burning real fuel. I can't find anything else, this is what came up.

Speaking of real, I bet you're going to tell us your Cummins can pull that trailer all day long and do 27mpg? Spare me: they don't.

At his 18,000 pounds pulling a 37' barn door, I find those numbers to be more than acceptable out of a gasoline engine.

He was showing 17, 18mpg empty. What do you expect out of a 6 and half foot high, 7000 pound, 3/4-ton, four-wheel-drive? shruggy

Mo' Farts

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