Etek, You have done a fantastic job on your project! I've been following it for most of it's progress, and it's has been a real inspiration for me to get motivated on my project Just another '74 Challenger I anticipate having similar issues with reupholstering the seats but I won't be able to get much satisfaction from the manufacturer if they're screwed up; I'm going to attempt the job myself LOL. I've never done car seats but I have done a couple motorcycle seats that turned out acceptable and I know my way around a sewing machine pretty good. So watch for results in a few months. In the mean time I have work to do on the top to keep the weather out

Did you buy our build bumper brackets to pull them in? They look great! It appears you used the original 74 bumpers; correct?

Where did you get your strobe decals? You did a top notch job applying them. I hope mine come out nearly as well. It'll be a while b4 I get to that point; I've only had the car for 4 years...

Scott C