The tag above is a car that had the hood blackout and scoops, and it has TX9 gloss black upper doors.

In related notes; I have yet to see any original paint example of a 71 Demon optioned with a J54 hood that came from the factory without hood blackout, nor can I find any documentation that shows one or the other (scoops/blackout) was available separately or a way to delete one or the other separately etc. Also, to the chrome scoop trim, I have seen a lot of Demons wearing them but so far, every example I've seen were added or replaced with Dart scoops. Every original Demon hood I've seen with it's original scoops, paint, etc. had black bezels. That said, there have been a few old back in the day pics surface showing no blackout, scoops, and chrome bezels on cars that appeared original, but there was no solid evidence that they were 100% original.

I can't think of any specific reason, other than the hood paint, that the Charcoal upper door frames would have been added, like with some other option package. It could have been a plant to plant thing or maybe a production change during the production model year? Looks like more needs to be done.