Well my car has tags, insurance, the lights mostly work and if I feel like driving it down the road to fetch some beer I can do so. It is not a DD, fuel is expensive, creature comforts besides the response to mashing the gas pedal and the sound of the motor are non-existent. But instead of the car sitting and waiting for me to trailer it to the track I can get out on nice days and enjoy it.

And there is a race class for it coming up. Cheap to enter, so far 100% payback (not that I will be seeing any of the payout), at a great race too. If it weren't for my concern of keeping my parking place while I am in the lanes I would drive the car to the race and back home.

IMO a lot better than the "street" class that they will have at Memphis later this month IMO. A guy from all the way up in Delaware won that last year.
