This crossmember hackjob is just a 100% no-no for me on this swap. I don't know how how to solder and I would never cut my car because of an OD, then I really like the GV OD better where mostly (there are also people that had to cut their floors!) an airhammer is all you need... considering this and the 80$/hour I would have to pay someone to do all the welding for me this swap becomes at least as expensive as an GV OD, doesn't it?

That's from the Hotrod magazine article "Before you start planning this summer’s family vacation in your overdrive Hemi Charger, remember that this is not a project for the faint of heart—or wallet. The retail price for an A518 is around $1600 (not including the torque converter), and the JVX adapter kit adds another $495. That’s more than two grand, and you haven’t even started grinding metal or fabricating linkage pieces, which can cost in the neighborhood of $800, according to Art Carr. But if you’re willing to spend the time and money, this is a great way to give an old Mopar new shifts."