
I'm looking seriously into a flowbench upgrade, like something that can pull 450+ cfm @ a real 28" H2O test pressure, instead of relying on major correction factors like I have to use w/ my current bench.

So, that got me wondering about other people are into this type of car stuff as a hobby who also have set themselves up w/ what would otherswise be considered "overkill" professional-level equipment, tools, etc.

Anybody else want to jump in to help me rationalize this more easily?

What forced my hand to buy tools, was that locally, I really didn't trust the shops that had the tools, they just didn't seem to have the ability to do things to the level that I would have expected of a "pro" shop. Also, when you have to rely on others, it does put you onto their time schedule, work ethic etc. I have the ability to do things, so it just makes it easier to do things myself. Plus I have direct control over the quality of the work if I do it myself.
I started into the car hobby originally with a sawzall, 5hp compressor and a oxyacetylene set. When I realized I could do the work, but was tool limited , it kind of exploded, as one tool either compliments or requires another to take the work to the next step. And then it goes into " why should I take this here and wait 6 weeks, when I could buy this tool to finish what I already started with my other tools."Or the service you require is more than what the tools end costing.
What really blew it wide open was a quote for 3000.00 to do the required stainless and aluminum welding on my first turbo car. I bought a new Miller synchrowave 180 for 2800 instead. Then I spent some time at some car shops in Japan to learn the finer points of tuning, and I discovered the usefulness of real machine tools in automotive applications. Lathes and what not before were just for machine shops, after seeing what could be built I was hooked and it just sort of pushed me to learn more, and of course buy more. I am pretty much self sufficient for most things now, and I really wouldn't have it any other way.
A partial run down of collection
Dynojet 224xlc loading chassis dyno
marquette scope and engine analyzer
Vertical Bandsaw
Horizontol Bandsaw
Chin Hung 430x1100 Lathe
National 12x36 Lathe
Vertical Knee mill
14000 lb 4 post hoist
6000 lb scissor hoist
Miller 350p Mig
Hypertherm plasma cutter
Dynasty 200 tig
5 ton press

Hand tools and diagnostic stuff out the ying yang..but you get the idea.
The problem is my new shop I built 2 years ago, is already to small.
I've been thinking about a flow bench to for a while.