Test or Pilot cars are hard to nail down the SPD build date with the E Body build. Just when would Chrysler decide to start pilots for 1971 E Bodies when the plant was running the TAs and AARs, the Shaker Hood change and who knows what else. Only one plant likely would of run all the pilots, Hamtr. The plant was less than a year into E Body production and trying to make build changes would of been a huge effort with all the other stuff going on. End of April might of been a good time to start running some pilots after the other stuff had hit production for a while and problems solved with those builds. Dan how did you come up with the Pilot dates. Did any Employees ever contribute to these dates. Were I work Pilots can run up to 5 years before there production year but usually 2 years is the start.

That White Challenger with the White stripe, you have to wonder why. The Black roof and white car the stripe contrast should of been black but this is what makes a Chrysler special.

I love all these flat hoods with the Hood Pin option on all these early Challengers.