
Hi folks,
First I want to thank 6bblgt for helping me by posting the photo's for me. I was not able to get them to post, guess I'm too old to know how to effectively complete some of this download stuff.

The VON is 802 and the VIN ends in 1002XX
The last two digits are fairly low as well.6bblgt blanked the last 3 out for me(thanks for doing that)

Thanks to all of you for the positive comments on what the car is. I had considered selling it to help defray the cost of a newer 392 hemi Shaker Challenger but am finding it hard to let this one go. I do like the car color except for the stripe. You might imagine my dismay when the stripe arrived. I looked up the stripe color from the code on the build sheet and found it is Chartreuse. I had not realized what that color really was until it arrived. Double checked the code and was correct so I thought the supplier must have made a fatal error but not to be. My first thoughts after installation were this stripe is uglier than my sister. Now several years later I am Okay with it. I guess old age mellows us out some.

Did it not have a stripe on it when you got it?

The green stripe MAKES that car.