

It's spelled S-O-L-E-N-O-I-D.

The first syllable has the long O sound.

My Gripe Time:
Typical for Moparts, the OP asks for help and someone tells him that his (whatever) is a piece of crap and he should buy a better one.

We must have a high median income.


I wont tell the poster what to buy but will say this. I purchased one of the welders in question and had nothing but problems. Eastwood was great. They did try to resolve the issues but in the end the welder still did not work properly. Returned the welder for a full refund.
Broke down and purchased a Miller. Has worked flawlessly since day one. Some times lower end items work most times not. Hope the poster gets it worked out. Also Eastwood tech was helpful and willing to assist every time I called.

Ah...Moparts in the winter....Now that you've brought the issue up...What would someone with a new Eastwood welder that has outstanding customer service and a 3 year no hassle warranty expect to get on a mopar forum full of old,grumpy geezers instead of calling them in the first place ???? Oh and I was speaking from experience on the unit also buy hey fire away when you feel the need...Glad you corrected his spelling I'm sure that helped him out alot with his issue.....