
Some oils just hate alky--they look bad quick
Brad Penn does very well with alky and is most alky users first choice
The new Kendal GT1--I may be wrong I think it is Conoco from Texas now--seems to do well with alky and is pretty cheap at around $35 case range--I have been buying it from wholesaler, running in alky injected and it is doing good so far
I like the Penn but the price is just too high for as much as I go through--
I have no doubt Walmart oil would do OK too--this is just one of those topics that no matter what--folks are not going to agree on anything about it.
I like learning but that guy lost me when he said he believed things David Vizard said--

I heard Red Line does well with alcohol. Any truth to that?
It seems it was a bit cheaper than the Penn oil too. But that's been a little bit.


Cost is irrelevant, making memories is far more valuable!biggrin