
It's kind of one in the same. If one thing is not right, then the rest of the engine is not right.

I don't see it as being the same , it sounds like you made a poor choice of an engine builder.

I did the same thing, bought an MP crate Hemi , it was a total disaster , the parts themselves were good , the assembly and machining by Cummins was absolutely atrocious. but I knew going in that it was going to be gone thru , I just didn't realize how low bidder quality it really was.

I don't think HP ever claimed the block was an EXACT copy ?? I saw the blocks in the flesh at PRI a couple years ago , they looked like a good product , They also talked about the issues they had with one of the people involved in the project screwing things up big time and that probably had much to do with your 2 year wait , sucks but you could have asked for a refund and went elsewhere ???