


They ALL cheat is some shape, form or fashion. Some get caught, some don't. The great Smokey Yunick said if you aren't cheating, you aren't winning and that was the cold blooded truth. If you think your favorite team or driver is a bunch of "angels" who never attempts to circumvent the rule book........you live in LaLa land. And another thing, if it doesn't specifically say you CAN'T do something in the rule book, that makes it legal in mosts eyes.

You violate a "written" rule, they hit you pretty hard. Operate in the "grey area" of something not plainly spelled out, you get a "slap" and the rule clarified. Anyone who has ever seriously class raced knows how it works


I might agree with you on the fuel cheating charge Jeg got popped for. I don't remember the EXACT issue, but it bordered on the fact that what he was blending was almost not a "gasoline" or even a "racing fuel". I really just kind of blew that off as racers being racers, then the details came out. I then thought maybe Jeg was over the line.

BUT, when he was caught, red handed, in Seattle, I realized that probably the fuel deal was as big a deal as WJ (and several others) made it out to be. The cheating is Seattle was the fact that at that time, in Pro Stock you could use an "electronic" shifter. I can't remember what the actual rule was (I don't save all my rule books any more) but the driver was still supposed to push the little button on top of the shifter. For the record, I hated the rule when it came out. Anyway, they (ESPN cameras) caught JEG, with BOTH hands on the wheel and the car shifting. We could all see it, and Ray Charles could hear it. The car was loose, but it shifted, and Jeg had BOTH hands on the wheel.

Yup, that's a CHEATER. By the money [Edited by Moparts - Family Friendly Site - Keep it clean] (prostitute) AKA NHRA did very little because they didn't want to kill that goose.

Jeg=Cheater. Plain and simple.

I am not arguing with you.......but if you think he is the only one, you are sorely mistaken. If they caught and got rid of EVERY team who tried to do something to gain their team an advantage, that MAY have been a little shady from a rules standpoint........there would be ZERO teams in the pits.


I understand exactly what you are saying Monte. I myself, had to go to meet with the local circle jerk guys I was doing work for (on more than one occasion) because I did things I thought were within the "spirit" of the rules. I was successful every time, but the rules were rewritten to take away the advantage.

The difference is that at that time, the rules were clear you could use a button to shift the car. BUT, the driver had to hit the button. The current thinking was the cars were SO FAST no driver could catch 1st gear quick enough so they let them use the button.

Obviously, Jeg violated the "spirit" and the "letter" of the law.

As for the fuel, it wasn't just P.O. that they were using. They had blended a bunch of stuff that shouldn't have been there.

Thus, since then, VP has been the provider of Pro Stock fuel. Just another stupid rule because a CHEATER (Jeg) just couldn't win any other way. I'd be damned surprised if Jeg didn't cheat to win the 2013 championship.

Just because you think it won't make it true. Horsepower is KING. To dispute this is stupid. C. Alston