If you've got the $$ then you can buy the time; if you don't have the $$ then you have to spend the time.

Don't be wasteful with the expenses.

Spend wisely and look forward to how, where, why and when you'll be using the car... its purpose? Allow for easy future changes when that time comes, and at reasonably low cost. The high-priced mods shouldn't be done frequently - again, determine and spend wisely.

You don't have to spend a lot of $$ to have a satisfying and competative car.

Like a painter -- most of the time is spent in preparation before doing the final work. Doing it over ends up costing more time and $$.

Mopar Mitch "Road racers and autocrossers go in deeper and come out harder!"... and rain never stops us from having fun with our cars... in fact, it makes us better drivers! Check out MOPAR ACTION MAGAZINE, August 2006 issue for feature article and specs on my autocross T/A!